Heartbeat Act is Heartless Act

Abortion, Get Involved, Reproductive Rights

On Wednesday, September 1, SB8 is set to go into effect in Texas. This law, Senate Bill 8, is designed to exploit obscure legal loopholes to flagrantly fly in the face of the constitutional right to privacy in reproductive health care that was solidified by the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling in 1973. The law puts a bounty […]

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MFP Condemns Amy Coney Barrett Confirmation


Maine Family Planning is appalled at the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court. This confirmation never should have moved forward in the first place — not so close to the election, with so many votes already cast, and not while people in Maine and across the country continue to wait […]

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Pledge-A-Patient Week 4: Stigma Doesn’t #StayHome

Quotes about abortion care from Maine Family Planning patients, against a faint background of handwriting

40 Days, Abortion

Three weeks ago we launched our Pledge-A-Patient campaign, asking our supporters to make a donation showing their support for MFP patients as they endure a 40-day anti-abortion harassment campaign. Well, a lot can change in three weeks. We now collectively face the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, and life as we know it has been upended in […]

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#MyRightMyDecision: Abortion Rights at SCOTUS Today

My Right. My Decision. Our Fight.

40 Days, Abortion

This is it, folks. Today, March 4, the U.S. Supreme Court hears oral arguments in June Medical Services v. Russo, the case that jeopardizes the rights enshrined by the Court’s 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade. This is the first major abortion rights case before the Supreme Court since Justice Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed to […]

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40 Days to Say No to Shame: Pledge-A-Patient

Pledge a patient

40 Days, Abortion

For 40 days, from February 26 to April 5, patients seeking all types of care at our flagship health center in Augusta will be subjected to judgment and misinformation hurled at them by anti-abortion zealots who have co-opted the Christian observance of Lent in an attempt to intimidate and shame. When our patients come to […]

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Roe Turns 47: More at Risk Than Ever Before

A poster in our Lewiston Family Planning office.


On the 47th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 US Supreme Court decision that established the constitutional right to safe and legal abortion, Maine Family Planning is affirming recent victories and girding for the battle ahead. With the passage of LD 820, Maine law now requires public and private health insurance that covers prenatal […]

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