May 22, 2020

Sex Ed

The Covid-19 pandemic has undoubtedly made delivery of comprehensive, medically-accurate sexuality education more challenging.

Some classroom or community-based educators feel uncertain about how to teach the subject via distance learning, since they rely so much on body language, facial expressions, and physical cues to gauge how students are responding to the material, which is sensitive for some. Some worry about how to teach this “private” topic in a virtual classroom of teens while younger siblings are in the home and may overhear. Others worry about how to ensure young people have access to trusted adults to talk to about potentially triggering topics.

And the fact is, the “new normal” of distance learning is spurring big changes and adjustments for all educators, and especially those who teach about sexuality.

Meanwhile, parents and caregivers at home may find themselves answering more questions or dealing with new issues related to bodies, health, and relationships. In the age of Covid-19, as parents take a more active role in their children’s education overall, they’ve also become de facto sexuality educators. As if this isn’t hard enough!

If you’re a caregiver in this situation, you may feel like this…

Or this…

But, armed with support and resources, you can help the kids and teens in your life gain comfort and confidence in navigating their changing bodies, identities, and relationships.

MFP Prevention Coordinator Maddy shares more in our latest video for #SexEdForAll Month:

Click here and here to access the helpful tip sheets Maddy mentions in their video — applicable for caregivers with kids of all ages!